Showing 249 news articles about Bad science & bogus treatments

Filters Content type: Editors' picks Topic: Bad science & bogus treatments

Not everything you hear about HIV and AIDS is true. As well as inaccurate information and flawed scientific studies, there are miracle cures, conspiracy theories and AIDS denialism.



Hepatitis medicines: Warning concerning Harvoni® packs with counterfeit contents

Editor's pick
Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products
8 March 2016

Dumbing down HIV treatment hurts everybody

Editor's pick
Positive Lite
11 February 2016

Reports of HIV 'breakthrough' and 'cure' are premature

Editor's pick
NHS Behind the Headlines
12 October 2015

Is PrEP 100 % Effective or 100 % Over-Hyped?

Editor's pick
The Body Pro
21 September 2015

Has Kim-Jong Un cured HIV/AIDS?

Editor's pick
Health 24
11 September 2015


Editor's pick
8 April 2015

Health News Review analysis of Bloomberg's coverage of PrEP

Editor's pick
Health News Review
24 February 2015