Showing 2,048 news articles about PrEP

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Pre-exposure prophylaxis involves people who do not have HIV taking antiretroviral drugs when they are at risk of exposure to HIV in order to prevent infection. The drugs are usually taken as pills (oral PrEP).

Going Long

Editor's pick
26 June 2023

Biden Admin Near Deal to Preserve Preventive Care Coverage

Editor's pick
Medscape (requires free registration)
12 June 2023

On-Demand PrEP May Be Difficult for Young MSM

Editor's pick
9 June 2023

Understanding the impact of PrEP stigma

Editor's pick
Be In The Know
22 May 2023

South Africa: Uptake of PrEP lower than hoped

Editor's pick
South African Broadcasting Corporation
9 May 2023

In My Case, 99% Wasn’t Enough

Editor's pick
19 April 2023