Showing 164 news articles about TB treatment

Filters Content type: Editors' picks Topic: TB treatment

Active tuberculosis (TB) disease is treated with a combination of antibiotics. Successful treatment usually requires at least six months of therapy, without missing doses. People living with HIV also need to take HIV treatment, but it may be started a few weeks after TB treatment. Care is needed when taking TB and HIV treatment at the same time.

Zero TB declaration by activists

Editor's pick
Treatment Action Group
31 October 2013

Multistudy analysis finds linezolid may be effective against XDR-TB

Editor's pick
International AIDS Society
14 October 2013

Adding Blood Pressure Drug to Standard Antibiotics Speeds Up TB Treatment

Editor's pick
Johns Hopkins Medicine press release
2 September 2013

Key to tuberculosis cure lies in the starving of the enemy

Editor's pick
Medical Xpress
12 August 2013

Anger over drug access in TB trial

Editor's pick
Mail & Guardian
11 July 2013

Shortages of Drugs Threaten TB Fight

Editor's pick
Wall Street Journal
6 June 2013

My Four-year Battle with Tuberculosis

Editor's pick
Huffington Post (blog)
29 May 2013

The ongoing problem of tuberculosis in the UK

Editor's pick
The Lancet (editorial)
26 April 2013

Pfizer's drug to treat tuberculosis in short supply

Editor's pick
Yahoo! News (blog)
25 March 2013

An Activist’s Guide to Bedaquiline (Sirturo)

Editor's pick
Treatment Action Group
12 March 2013

In India, Fighting TB with Fingerprints

Editor's pick
Voice of America
28 February 2013