Showing 4,916 news articles about Social & legal issues

Filters Content type: Editors' picks Topic: Social & legal issues

Social, economic, legal and political issues that may affect the lives of people living with HIV, including stigma, discrimination, criminalisation, travel and insurance.

HIV star 'should not be jailed'

Editor's pick
25 August 2010

Don’t lash AIDS victims: Saudi courts told

Editor's pick
22 August 2010

Only HIV test needed for expatriates' visa renewal

Editor's pick
19 August 2010

The Work Capability Assessment: A call for evidence

Editor's pick
Disability Alliance
29 July 2010

Disabled people 'face savage onslaught' from benefit cuts

Editor's pick
Community Care
28 July 2010

Benefits health test to face urgent review

Editor's pick
The Guardian
28 July 2010

Does HIV trump privacy?

Editor's pick
National Post
28 July 2010

Macedonia: Group Wins HIV and Rights Award

Editor's pick
Human Rights Watch HIV/TB
20 July 2010

New UK government plans for social care

Editor's pick
Disability Alliance
15 July 2010

Hepatitis C carrier charged with spitting on police

Editor's pick
Journal & Chronicle, Lafayette
15 July 2010