Showing 918 news articles about Harm reduction

Filters Content type: Editors' picks Topic: Harm reduction

Harm reduction programmes and practices aim to reduce the harms associated with drug use. These include needle and syringe programmes, opioid substitution therapy, drug consumption rooms and overdose prevention.

Street heroin: Optimal preparation and injection

Editor's pick
Jon Derricott / YouTube
1 March 2016

Liz Evans And InSite’s Insightful Story

Editor's pick
1 March 2016

Negotiating the UNGASS outcome document: Challenges and the way forward

Editor's pick
International Drug Policy Consortium
17 February 2016

Prison needle programs touted to reduce HIV and Hep C

Editor's pick
Toronto Star
3 February 2016

UNGASS Without Harm Reduction? No Way!

Editor's pick
Drug Reporter
26 January 2016

HRI has serious concerns with draft UNGASS outcome document

Editor's pick
Harm Reduction International
26 January 2016

The Forgotten AIDS Crisis in Russia

Editor's pick
The Daily Beast
19 January 2016

B.C. experts help control Indiana HIV spread

Editor's pick
12 January 2016